Sole Journey Reflexology, Aromatherapy, Reiki &
Indian Head Massage in Chester

Pregnancy & Women's Health. lavender


One of my favourite ways to use reflexology is to support women through the different stages & cycles of their life: whether that be through the ever-changing menstrual cycles; fertility, pregnancy & motherhood; & the lead up to menopause. One of the best ways to keep these phases in harmony is to make time for self-care through regular treatments, which allow you to relax & re-set. Through relaxation our body's naturally want to re-balance via homeostasis. When you are experiencing unwanted symptoms, your body is imbalanced somehow & A healthy pregnancy can be so beautiful & empowering to experience & reflexology can help secure this, ensuring improved wellbeing both emotionally & physically for you & your baby/babies. Being a mum of twins I have a deep awareness of this sacred journey & having had much experience & the qualifications to support this I am well equipped to guide you through.

What the research says about reflexology in pregnancy and perinatal period

(taken from:,was%20found%20to%20have%20a%20posi...%20More%20):

– Two studies have shown that reflexology in pregnancy significantly reduced pain during labour (1, 2) and reduced the length of the first stage of labour (1).

– One study showed improved quality of sleep in post-natal women (3)

– One study showed that 6 weekly treatments of reflexology prior to giving birth on for women who experienced low back and/or pelvic girdle pain during their pregnancy significantly reduced the second stage of labour by 44.3 minutes (4).

– Reduced pain and stress levels for women with low back pain or pelvic girdle pain (5)

– Foot reflexology was found to have a positive effect in lowering the total anxiety scores of women in labour (6)

There is also plenty of anecdotal evidence of women benefitting from having reflexology during their pregnancy and their post-natal period and is an area for more research.,was%20found%20to%20have%20a%20posi...%20More%20

Women's Health

Reflexology is often used to support women in balancing hormones, regulating menstruation or easing the many menstrual and perimenopausal symptoms that so many women experience. There are many reflexes on the feet that when stimulated or sedated can assist with bringing the body back in to balance. Again, with qualifications & much experience in this area I feel well equipped to support you in this journey.

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